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Bermondsey Revolution


Bermondsey Revolution

Bermondsey Revolution

Alfred met Ada, and together they started a revolution… The wonderful partnership between these two creative minds, dedicated to public health, social housing and the environment, started a revolution, transforming a deprived inner-city slum into a healthy, green oasis. This futuristic look at the history of Bermondsey heroes Ada and Alfred Salter will transport you over a century into the future, shedding light on Bermondsey’s past and present through an immersive Brechtian experience. The challenges Alfred and Ada faced more than a century ago are as pressing and crucial to us now, as we look to the future. Are you ready for the revolution?

How long does Bermondsey Revolution Last for? 75 Minutes

Does Bermondsey Revolution have any age restrictions? +

Does Bermondsey Revolution have an interval? Yes

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Bermondsey Revolution currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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