Ben and Holly Live
Holly is a young Fairy Princess, who is still learning how to fly and her magic doesn't always go quite according to plan. Her best friend, Ben the Elf, doesn't have wings and he doesn't do magic, but he runs very fast and flies on the back of Gaston the Ladybird. They live in the Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass rise high above them and every day is an adventure. Ben and Holly have fun and games helping Gaston the Ladybird clean up his messy cave, they go on a trip into The Big World with tooth-fairy Nanny Plum, even plan a surprise birthday party for King Thistle, and oops, let's hope there's not another jelly flood!
How long does Ben and Holly Live Last for?
Does Ben and Holly Live have any age restrictions? 3+
Does Ben and Holly Live have an interval? Yes
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Where is Ben and Holly Live playing?
Ben and Holly Live currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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- My mummy says I loved it but I was very small and I dont remember it was my first theatre show
What they didn't enjoy
- I probaly liked it when i was 2 but i dont really like ben and holly now
Ben and Holly Live Discussions
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Previous Productions
Jun 2019 - Jul 2019 | UK Tour 2019 | 10 Locations |