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Beetlejuice - The Musical


Beetlejuice - The Musical

Beetlejuice - The Musical

Based on Tim Burton’s dearly beloved film, this hilarious musical tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes

How long does Beetlejuice - The Musical Last for? 150 Minutes

Does Beetlejuice - The Musical have any age restrictions? 13+

Does Beetlejuice - The Musical have an interval? Yes

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Where is Beetlejuice - The Musical playing?

Beetlejuice - The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • A great re-imagining of the film that isn't just a copy-paste of it. Re-writes a lot of the scenes and makes it worth watching as a separate entity. Also, banging music and set design.

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    London 2023



    about 2 years ago

    Warning Please do not spoil here