Beauty & The Beast: Pantomine
Dreaming of a happier life, the beautiful Belle finds herself transported to a cursed castle and held captive by a hideous beast. To her surprise, the castle is full of magical characters placed under a spell by an evil enchantress. Can Belle see beyond the monster and fall in love with her captor before the last petal falls from the enchanted rose? Or will the Beast’s selfishness cost him the world he once knew and the hand of the girl who has melted his heart?
How long does Beauty & The Beast: Pantomine Last for? 120 Minutes
Does Beauty & The Beast: Pantomine have any age restrictions? 0+
Does Beauty & The Beast: Pantomine have an interval? Yes
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Where is Beauty & The Beast: Pantomine playing?
Beauty & The Beast: Pantomine currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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