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Beautiful: The Carole King Musical

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical at Aldwych Theatre

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical

February 2015 until August 2017.

This production of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical Ran From 10/02/2015 to 05/08/2017 and is a Residency at Aldwych Theatre featuring Cassidy Janson, Barbara Drennan, Matthew Seadon-Young, Stephanie McKeon, and Joseph Prouse [Generated By Dress Circle]

Recommended Age: 7+

This is an older production of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical , Did you know that Beautiful: The Carole King Musical has an active production right now! Why not check it out Beautiful: The Carole King Musical

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Beautiful: The Carole King Musical Cast

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical Creative

Previous Cast

Lorna WantCynthia Weil10/02/15 - 25/05/17
Lucy St LouisEnsemble10/02/15 - 28/11/16
Gary TrainorDon Kirshner10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Diane KeenGenie Klein30/11/15 - 26/11/16
Jason DentonEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Alan MorrisseyGerry Goffin10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Hannah Jay-AllanEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Tanisha SpringEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Andy CoxonEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Michael Anthony DukeEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Vivien CarterEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Ed CurrieEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Oliver LidertEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Fela LufadejuEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Tanya EdwardsEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Danielle SteersEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Terel NugentEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Jay PerryEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Dylan TurnerEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Joel Harper-JacksonSwing10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Joanna WoodwardEnsemble10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Aisha JawandoSwing10/02/15 - 26/11/16
Glynis BarberGenie Klein10/02/15 - 28/11/15
Katie BraybenCarole King10/02/15 - 28/11/15