Bad Jews
The night after their grandfather’s funeral, three cousins engage in a verbal (and sometimes physical) battle. In one corner is Daphna Feygenbam, a “Real Jew” who is volatile, self-assure, and unbending. In the other is her equally stubborn cousin Liam, a secular and entitled young man, who has his shiska girlfriend, Melody, in tow. Stuck in the middle is Liam’s brother, Jonah, who tries to stay out of the fray. When Liam stakes claim to their grandfather's Chai necklace, a vicious and hilarious brawl over family, faith, and legacy ensues.
How long does Bad Jews Last for?
Does Bad Jews have any age restrictions? 7+
Does Bad Jews have an interval? Yes
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Where is Bad Jews playing?
Bad Jews currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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