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Backstairs Billy


Backstairs Billy

Backstairs Billy

The year is 1979. The champagne is flowing and The Queen Mother's lively receptions are in full swing inside the opulence of Clarence House! William "Billy" Tallon, the guardian of the royal corgis and a devoted assistant to Her Majesty, is in charge of the proceedings. Beyond the lavish walls, strikes have gripped a nation that is falling apart. Britain is on the verge of changing seismically under Margaret Thatcher, and as these two contrasting worlds are on course for collision, a whirlwind of consequences are about to unfold...

How long does Backstairs Billy Last for?

Does Backstairs Billy have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Backstairs Billy have an interval? No

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Where is Backstairs Billy playing?

Backstairs Billy currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Penelope Wilton is hilarious and has such stage presence.

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • Drags a little bit near the end of the first act when Wilton disappears. Picks up the pace in the second act.

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