Aspects of Love
From the cobbled streets of Paris to the mountains of the Pyrenees, Aspects of Love is a sweeping, epic and heart-breaking love story spanning seventeen years. Passion, desire, family ties and friendship bind six people and three generations together as they come to appreciate how love changes everything. Alex falls in love with the alluring actress, Rose Vibert. Following a little persuasion, Rose joins Alex at his Uncle’s villa. As the pair embark on a steamy, passionate affair, the unexpected arrival of Uncle George changes all their lives – and those around them – forever.
How long does Aspects of Love Last for? 140 Minutes
Does Aspects of Love have any age restrictions? 14+
Does Aspects of Love have an interval? Yes
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Where is Aspects of Love playing?
Aspects of Love currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- The cast were great
- Talented cast and so bizarre I admit I was never bored and thought it was perhaps unintentionally funny
What they didn't enjoy
- Almost everything else. It’s like what I imagine people who hate musicals think all musicals are like. A bit like a fake musical parody made to look bad within a film or TV show
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