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Around The World in 80 Days

Around The World in 80 Days at Devonshire Park Theatre

Around The World in 80 Days

August 2022 until August 2022.

This production of Around The World in 80 Days Ran From 03/08/2022 to 27/08/2022 and is a Residency at Devonshire Park Theatre featuring Nicholas Maude, Ben Cutler, Ben Roddy, Freny Nina Pavri, and Hannah Boyce [Generated By Dress Circle]

Recommended Age: 3+

Fringe Production

This production has finished, but would you like to know when Around The World in 80 Days announces another?

Around The World in 80 Days Cast

Around The World in 80 Days Creative

Jules Verne

Original Text

Shelley Stevens

Costume Supervisor

Chris Jordan
