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Animal Antics


Animal Antics

Animal Antics

A show packed with animal effects, music and laughter, designed to both entertain and educate using no live animals, stunning puppetry and special effects to bring incredible life-like and size animals and dinosaurs to the stage right before your eyes. Dinosaurs from the past, Elephants from Africa, saltwater crocodiles from Australia and the incredible Orangutans from Indonesia to name but a few all making their way out onto the stage as part of some incredibly moving moments. However, when The Animal Guyz are involved, it does mean that talking about animals does not always go completely to plan so prepare for a completely wild and exciting show.

How long does Animal Antics Last for? 120 Minutes

Does Animal Antics have any age restrictions? 0+

Does Animal Antics have an interval? Yes

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Where is Animal Antics playing?

Animal Antics currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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