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Alice's Adventures Underground


Alice's Adventures Underground

Alice's Adventures Underground

Alice's Adventures Underground is a fusion of storytelling, music, circus, puppetry and spectacle.Discover your Wonderland like never before with this interactive, 90-minute narrative theatre show, piecing together the puzzle as to what has happened to Alice who is lost in the looking glass.We’re placing you at the heart of the action. But hopefully not at the Queen of Hearts’ feet. Help Alice in an adventure like no other – your adventure. Will you go this way or that? Eat or Drink? Grow or Shrink? The choice is yours. Take tea with the maddest of Hatters, let the Cheshire Cat take you hither or thither and explore a land full of wonder. Are you ready to fall down the rabbit hole?

How long does Alice's Adventures Underground Last for? 90 Minutes

Does Alice's Adventures Underground have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Alice's Adventures Underground have an interval? No

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Alice's Adventures Underground currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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