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Age is a Feeling


Age is a Feeling

Age is a Feeling

Inspired by hospices, mystics and trips to the cemetery, Age Is A Feeling wrestles with our endless chances to change course while we’re alive. A covert rallying cry against cynicism and regret. A call to seize our time. Every performance, the audience chooses to hear six of twelve stories, dipping in and out of one person’s lifespan as it unfolds across the show. Depending on the audience’s choices, there are 180 different potential versions to be heard with different combinations of stories.

How long does Age is a Feeling Last for? 70 Minutes

Does Age is a Feeling have any age restrictions? 16+

Does Age is a Feeling have an interval? No

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Where is Age is a Feeling playing?

Age is a Feeling currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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