A Strange Loop
Michael R. Jackson’s Pulitzer Prize–winning, blisteringly funny masterwork exposes the heart and soul of a young artist grappling with desires, identity, and instincts he both loves and loathes. Hell-bent on breaking free of his own self-perception, Usher wrestles with the thoughts in his head, brought to life on stage by a hilarious, straight-shooting ensemble. Bold and heartfelt in its truth-telling, A Strange Loop is the big, Black, and queer-ass Great American Musical for all!
How long does A Strange Loop Last for? 100 Minutes
Does A Strange Loop have any age restrictions? 16+
Does A Strange Loop have an interval? No
Seen by 3 fans
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Where is A Strange Loop playing?
A Strange Loop currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- It had good songs and some clever lyrics
Seen by 3 fans
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What they didn't enjoy
- There was a lot of coarse language and a lot of references to people I had never heard of. I think it would make a lot more sense to the right audience but that wasn't me.
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