42nd Street
42nd Street is the Broadway song and dance musical extravaganza, and in the show's largest ever staging entertainment doesn't get bigger than this. Peggy Sawyer is from small-town America and just a face in the chorus line of 'Pretty Lady', the new show from legendary director Julian Marsh. But when the show's leading lady, Dorothy Brock is injured, Peggy's dreams of stardom just may come true.
How long does 42nd Street Last for?
Does 42nd Street have any age restrictions? 7+
Does 42nd Street have an interval? Yes
Seen by 14 fans
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Where is 42nd Street playing?
42nd Street currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- The dancing was amazing!
- Dance and Group stuff in stage
- some of the best dancing in any production
- The music, and it's a very clever show within a show.
- Look forward to seeing this show again while on tour. As I love the story and all the dancing as I love watching tap dancing
- Dancing. Dancing. Dancing.
- Tap dancing
- Production Value
- Such a glitzy, glamorous, dazzling performance
- The Dancing was amazing and the show was enjoyable.
Seen by 14 fans
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What they didn't enjoy
- plot it a typical old-school musical. very little substance
- Some performances were a little off.
- Current version not a patch on the recent one at Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Feels like a budgeted scaled down production which is weird because tickets were way more expensive
- The story is too thin
- I hate to say it but it didn't quite live up to the hype for me (sorry!)
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Previous Productions
May 2023 - May 2024 | UK Tour 2023 | 18 Locations |