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When Darkness Falls


When Darkness Falls

When Darkness Falls

Some people believe in ghosts. Some don’t. Since their existence is not proved beyond all possible doubt, to many they remain folklore: the stuff of legend. Spooky Tales of beasts and spirits, spectres, and ghouls. But to many others, ghosts are quite real. On a stormy night on the small island of Guernsey, a young paranormal expert joins a sceptical history teacher to record the first in a series of podcasts based on the island’s incredible folklore and paranormal history. As the expert regales his horrifying stories, the teacher learns that we all have our own truth. Our own story. Ghosts that haunt us. That bring the past, present, and future together in unexpected ways. Ways that could threaten to unsettle everything we think we know.

How long does When Darkness Falls Last for?

Does When Darkness Falls have any age restrictions? 15+

Does When Darkness Falls have an interval? No

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Where is When Darkness Falls playing?

When Darkness Falls currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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