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Trompe L’Oeil


Trompe L’Oeil

Trompe L’Oeil

Cabaret, queer theatre, politics, and circus collide in this tongue-in-cheek musical inspired by famous surrealist pieces of art such as The Escherian Stairwell, Magritte’s apples and Salvador Dali’s melting clocks. Written by Henry Parkman Biggs and directed by Blair Anderson (Associate Director The SpongeBob Musical), the musical takes inspiration from a wide range of musical genres and its songs contain cryptic and hidden messages, pushing lyrical structure in ways that, incredibly, make the songs themselves illusionary.

How long does Trompe L’Oeil Last for? 115 Minutes

Does Trompe L’Oeil have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Trompe L’Oeil have an interval? Yes

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Trompe L’Oeil currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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