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The Sneeze


The Sneeze

The Sneeze

Comedy works by Anton Chekhov, translated and adapted by Michael Frayn. ATS Productions presents a mucus-filled evening at the ballet, a crazy courtship duel, how not to dispense criticism, a husband's domestic misery exposed and a hidden identity – all in one hour. ATS Productions invite you to sample five of Chekhov's best, rarely performed, one-act comedic works set in Imperial Russia. Under the co-direction of Amanda Redman and David Threlfall they explore personal, professional and social relationships that still ring true today... all with a twist in the tale.

How long does The Sneeze Last for? 60 Minutes

Does The Sneeze have any age restrictions? 8+

Does The Sneeze have an interval? No

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The Sneeze currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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