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The Coral


The Coral

The Coral

A millionaire and his double. A need for a revolution. A cycle of family trauma. Join a father’s quest to escape the horror of his past. Join his children’s quest to change the status quo. Brought up in poverty, the Millionaire is the autocratic boss of a factory, intent on acquiring as much wealth as possible in order to distance himself from his unhappy poverty-stricken childhood. He has hired his exact physical double, the Secretary, who impersonates him at public functions. The only physical difference between them is a piece of coral on the Secretary’s watchchain… The Millionaire’s son and daughter feel utter disgust for their father’s money and his ruthless exploitation of the poor. The last thing they want is to inherit the money and become like their father. Part parable, part family drama, and part thriller, tragic yet deeply cynical, Georg Kaiser’s symbolic and epic play is a radical exploration of humans’ absurd and eternal entanglement with money, a world where the few have accumulated so much wealth and so much power to be able to destroy the many.

How long does The Coral Last for? 120 Minutes

Does The Coral have any age restrictions? +

Does The Coral have an interval? Yes

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Where is The Coral playing?

The Coral currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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