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Oi Frog and Friends


Oi Frog and Friends

Oi Frog and Friends

Oi Frog & Friends! Live on Stage Based on the bestselling books by Kes Gray and Jim Field. It’s a new day at Sittingbottom school and  FROG is looking for a place to sit, but CAT has other ideas and  DOG is doing as he’s told. Who knew there were so many rhyming rules and what will happen when  FROG is in charge? Join  FROG,  CAT  and  DOG in this Olivier Award nominated action-packed stage adaptation of  Kes Gray and Jim Field’s bestselling books. Expect songs, puppets, laughs and more rhymes than you can shake a chime at.

How long does Oi Frog and Friends Last for?

Does Oi Frog and Friends have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Oi Frog and Friends have an interval? Yes

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Where is Oi Frog and Friends playing?

Oi Frog and Friends currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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