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Bunker Buddies


Bunker Buddies

Bunker Buddies

Meet doomsday preppers Anna and Joe. Joe was prepared for every eventuality and Anna, well Anna just wanted to invest in the neighbourhood. But now they find themselves in the midst of nuclear warfare and their phones are about to run out of battery. How will they cope with the end of the world? Bunker Buddies by Dísa Andersen asks the question no one has dared to ask before. What if there was no other fish in the sea? What if there was no sea? Just a small pool really. And if someone makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world, does that mean that you're meant to be? A tale of anything but romance, Bunker Buddies, is a lighthearted comedy about the end of the world, and what comes after.

How long does Bunker Buddies Last for?

Does Bunker Buddies have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Bunker Buddies have an interval? No

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Where is Bunker Buddies playing?

Bunker Buddies currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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