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Brown Boys Swim


Brown Boys Swim

Brown Boys Swim

Boisterous and self-opinionated best friends Mohsen and Kash preparing for their post-school future, but first they need to nab an invitation to the biggest social event of term – Jess Denver’s pool party. Fuelled by halal Haribo, university-minded Mohsen and girl-crazy Kash won’t let the fact they can’t swim stand in their way, and embark on a race to teach themselves how to be at one with the water. But learning how to swim is more than a quick jump in the deep end – Mohsen and Kash must tackle expectations, prejudice and public changing rooms. Considering how systemic racism and societal pressures can push people along a relentless current, Brown Boys Swim examines how we can be prevented from being and understanding our most authentic selves. This funny and moving play takes a deep dive into communities who are consciously and unconsciously forbidden from spaces like pools – where microaggressions are a sign of something more insidious.

How long does Brown Boys Swim Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Brown Boys Swim have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Brown Boys Swim have an interval? No

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Where is Brown Boys Swim playing?

Brown Boys Swim currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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