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Bones is a dynamic and bold physical theatre production that ignites the collaboration between rugby and theatre to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health. It pairs electric new writing, with high intensity set pieces that immerse you into the spectacular world of rugby. Ed is used to getting injured playing rugby, but he's never faced an injury that he couldn't see before. When his mental health makes it feel like he's taking on an entire rugby team by himself, will his teammates stand by his side or remain seated on the side-line? Under pressure to lead his team through to the regional semi-finals, Ed feels the full weight of expectation and hope, and it’s impacted him in ways that he could have never imagined.

How long does Bones Last for? 70 Minutes

Does Bones have any age restrictions? 14+

Does Bones have an interval? No

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Where is Bones playing?

Bones currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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