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Blow Down


Blow Down

Blow Down

A funny and poignant play which marks the recent demolition of the iconic cooling towers at Ferrybridge Power Station, in the words of those who lived and worked beneath them. Scripted by award-winning playwright Garry Lyons and based on stories collected from the local community in Ferrybridge and Knottingley, BLOW DOWN is an hilarious, gritty and thought-provoking show with music about a typical post-industrial Yorkshire town. From the raucous seventies to recession and decline in the 2000s, it tells the tale of the area through the experiences of people who’ve lived there, offering surprising insights, authenticity and humour.

How long does Blow Down Last for?

Does Blow Down have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Blow Down have an interval? No

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Where is Blow Down playing?

Blow Down currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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