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After the Act


After the Act

After the Act

"Queers in classrooms!” “Perverts panicking parents!” - a new musical about pride, protest…and abseiling lesbians. Section 28: the landmark legislation that silenced a generation and offered a global blueprint for LGBTQ+ oppression. Two decades after its repeal, multi-award-winning theatre company, Breach Theatre (It’s True, It’s True, It’s True) sing and dance on the grave of this watershed moment in LGBTQ+ history. In this verbatim musical, (almost) every word is taken from interviews the company has undertaken with students, activists, and teachers, as well as from tabloid articles and news clips. After the Act’s cast take us from the adolescent anguish of the classroom to the heated debates of Parliament via euphoric celebration and impassioned street demonstrations.

How long does After the Act Last for? 90 Minutes

Does After the Act have any age restrictions? 14+

Does After the Act have an interval? No

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